Some questions you may have regarding ebikes and purchasing ebikes.

If you cannot find an answer below then please email us at sales@newebikehub.com where we will gladly answer your question(s)

What ebike should I buy as there is so many to choose from?

In order to help our customers find the type of ebike that bests suits your needs we have drafted a Quiz which can be found on the store front page.

By answering a number of simple multiple choice questions it will zero in on the brand/model to suit your requirements. Click this link to get to the front page and scroll down to find the quiz titled "Discover Your Ideal Electric Bike".

How can I pay for my Ebike?

We have a number of options available:

  • Full payment by a number of finance platforms such as Paypal, Gpay, Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Discover, Diners Card, Maestro, Union Pay, Shop and Apple Pay
  • Instalments through Paypal in 3 and Klarna; Paypal in 3 allows you to pay for goods up to the value of £2,000 in 3 instalments; click KLARNA for more information on this purchase method.

Will the motor provide assistance if I don’t pedal?

In short, no. In the UK at least, an e-bike motor must only work in conjunction with the rider pedalling. Thus, if you stop pedalling, the motor will turn off and not provide assistance.

What’s the legal max speed of an e-bike in the UK?

The e-bike motor is legally only able to provide assistance up to 15.5mph or 25km/h. You can, however, go faster with just pedalling.

Why are electric bikes costly?

Bikes have come a long way since the simple safety bicycle, and with this development in technology, especially motors and batteries, comes added costs. Additionally, some components such as the chains need to be made more durable to withstand the extra weight and force put through them. You can get a good e-bike for under £1,000, but you can also spend more than £10,000. How much you spend depends on what type of riding you want to do, and the quality of the components.

How far can an electric bike go?

This depends on the battery and the type of riding you will be doing. It also depends on the level of assist you use. If you use a higher assist level, the battery will drain much quicker. 

What are the rules about using an Ebike in the UK

GOV.UK- Extract regarding Ebikes-

Electric bikes: licensing, tax and insurance
You can ride an electric bike if you’re 14 or over, as long as it meets certain requirements.

These electric bikes are known as ‘electrically assisted pedal cycles’ (EAPCs). You do not need a licence to ride one and it does not need to be registered, taxed or insured.

What counts as an EAPC
An EAPC must have pedals that can be used to propel it.

It must show either:

  • the power output
  • the manufacturer of the motor

It must also show either:

  • the battery’s voltage
  • the maximum speed of the bike

Its electric motor:

  • must have a maximum power output of 250 watts
  • should not be able to propel the bike when it’s travelling more than 15.5mph

An EAPC can have more than 2 wheels (for example, a tricycle).

Where you can ride
If a bike meets the EAPC requirements it’s classed as a normal pedal bike. This means you can ride it on cycle paths and anywhere else pedal bikes are allowed.

How long does it take to charge my battery?

A full charge can take around 6-8 hours depending on it’s capacity. 

How often should I charge my battery?

As often as possible is best practice at room temperature, don’t let your battery completely drain. Keep the battery around 60% charge if you are not using it for a while, then you may have to top up after a few weeks.

Should I charge my battery overnight?

There is a risk of the battery overheating if you keep your battery on charge when it is full so we recommend you try and charge during the day so that you can unplug when it’s reached 100% capacity.

Are batteries affected by air temperature?

The chemistry of Li-ion batteries don’t like being charged or stored at extreme hot or cold temperatures. If you do use your bike in very cold or very warm conditions the range will be reduced. If you have been riding in the cold or warmer conditions then you should allow the battery to return to room temperature before recharging it.

How many charge cycles can I expect from my battery?

A charge cycle is a full discharge and recharge or equivalent.

You would expect a battery to easily deliver 300-500 charge cycles. If you keep the battery charged up to between 70 & 80% you can get to over 1200 recharges.

One manufacturer Bosch expects batteries to last 8-9 years or 1000 charges. After 1000 cycles the battery will still work, but output will degrade and any battery will age over time so capacity will drop and therefore not power your electric bike so far.

Do I need to keep your electric bike battery clean and dry?

E-bikes are designed to be ridden in the rain. DON'T immerse a battery in water (riding through a deep river). If your bike becomes very wet then be aware that contacts on the battery should be dried to avoid oxidation and corrosion. It is recommended to check the contacts every few months and clean if necessary.